What do Hamsters do when they are Mad?Understanding Hamster Emotions

Hamsters, those adorable little furballs that bring joy to pet owners worldwide, have a range of emotions and behaviors that they use to communicate with us. While hamsters are generally gentle and easygoing pets, there may be times when they express their frustration or anger.

Signs of a Mad or Upset Hamster

Hissing and Growling

When a hamster is mad, they may hiss or growl. These vocalizations are a way for them to communicate their displeasure or annoyance.


A mad hamster might resort to biting, especially if they feel threatened or cornered. It’s their way of defending themselves.

Flattened Ears and Raised Fur

Mad hamsters may flatten their ears against their heads and raise their fur. This is a defensive posture meant to make themselves appear larger and more intimidating.


If a hamster is upset, they may avoid interaction and seek refuge in their nest or hideout. This is a sign that they want to be left alone.

Chewing and Digging

Hamsters are natural chewers and diggers, but when they’re mad, they may engage in these behaviors more aggressively. It’s a way for them to release pent-up energy and frustration.

Why do Hamsters Eat Their Babies?

Now, let’s address the intriguing question of why some hamsters eat their babies. While it may seem distressing, this behavior is not uncommon among hamsters, and it has evolutionary roots:

Stress and Survival

Hamsters are known to be highly sensitive to stress. When a hamster feels stressed, especially if they sense danger or disturbance in their environment, they may resort to eating their offspring as a way to reduce stress and ensure their survival.

Health Issues

In some cases, hamsters may detect that one of their babies is unhealthy or has a severe birth defect. Eating such a baby can prevent the spread of disease or deformities to the rest of the litter.

Lack of Resources

If a hamster perceives a shortage of food or resources, they may eat their young to conserve energy and resources for themselves and the remaining offspring.

Understanding these reasons can help hamster owners create a stress-free and comfortable environment for their pets, reducing the chances of such behavior.

Dealing with a Mad Hamster

If you notice that your hamster is mad or upset, it’s essential to handle the situation with care:

Give Space

If your hamster is exhibiting signs of anger, such as hissing or growling, it’s best to give them space and avoid handling them until they calm down.

Check the Environment

Ensure that your hamster’s living environment is stress-free. Keep their cage clean, provide a comfortable nesting area, and minimize disturbances.

Avoid Provoking

Avoid provoking or startling your hamster. Sudden loud noises or movements can make them agitated.

Offer Treats

Sometimes, a tasty treat can help improve your hamster’s mood. Offer a small piece of their favorite snack to help them feel better.


Hamsters, like all pets, have their moments of frustration and anger. Understanding their body language and behavior can help you provide the best care for your furry friend. And when it comes to the question of why some hamsters eat their babies, remember that it’s a survival instinct deeply ingrained in their biology. By creating a safe, stress-free environment and being attentive to your hamster’s needs, you can ensure a happy and healthy life for your beloved pet.